Research Projects
Influence of non hydrostaticity and Fe-Fe correlation on iron spin state crossover in (Mg,Fe)O
Dr. Konstantin Glazyrin
The solid solution of MgO and FeO -(Mg,Fe)O or ferropericlase is an important example of a simple solid state system incorporating a transition element... read more
Methodological developments: A new compact diamond anvil cell design for low temperature nuclear inelastic X-ray scattering applications
Dr. Konstantin Glazyrin
We designed, made and tested a new cell to overcome limitations of the most of existing designs – currently used cells ... read more
High-pressure synthesis and crystal chemistry of novel ionic polynitrogen entities as the future's high energy density materials
Dr. Dominique Laniel
How can we reduce the travel time to Mars while carrying a heavier load of equipment and personnel? How can we ensure that launching spaceships does not further pollute the Earth? The answer to these questions is... read more
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at multi-megabar pressures
Dr. Thomas Meier
Implementation of spectroscopic methods probing local electronic properties of electrons or nuclei in condensed matter at extreme conditions remains a challenging endeavor. Under sufficient conditions... read more
High-pressure high-temperature synthesis and investigation of physical properties of novel transition metal oxides and other materials
Dr. Sergey Ovsyannikov
On one hand, creation of novel materials at extreme HP-HT conditions often brings unexpected insights into the chemistry and physics of materials, thereby contributing to the fundamental sciences. On the other hand... read more
Towards new crystal chemistry: High-pressure evolution of oxides with tetrahedral framework and layered structures
Dr. Anna Pakhomova
The properties of solid matter drastically change upon compression. What is the correlation between chemistry, crystal structure and compressibility for different compounds? This is the question relevant for both Earth sciences and solid state chemistry... read more
Exploring icy satellites
Dr. Anna Pakhomova
Presence of a hydrosphere on a planetary body implies potential habitability. That is the reason why icy satellites featuring a hydrosphere in their interiors attract nowadays much attention of astrobiologists... read more
Iron-water system at high pressure
M.Sc. Egor Koemets
Water or water-bearing species from crust and to the lower mantle has a strong impact not only on life on our planet but also on numerous processes in Earth’s interiors. Presence of water affects chemical and physical properties of mantle minerals, changes melting temperatures, sound velocities and viscosity of materials, and causing... read more
Crystal chemistry of dense silicates at pressures and temperatures relevant for Earth lower mantle
M.Sc. Iuliia Koemets
Global carbon cycle has a great impact on the climate changes, being responsible for example in the past for NeoProtezoic “snowball” Earth and Cretaceous warm period. While quantity of carbon on our planet is still uncertain, there is general consensus that deep Earth is the main reservoir of carbon-bearing compounds... read more
Chemical reactions in laser heated dsDACs
M.Sc. Saiana Khandarkaeva
In situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of Fe-O at pressures relevant to deepest part of the Earth and mantles of Earth-like rocky planets... read more
Pulsed laser heating in DAC
M.Sc. Georgios Aprilis
Laser heating inside the diamond anvil cell (LHDAC) has numerous applications in mineral physics and high-pressure chemistry, physics, Earth and material sciences... read more
LH DAC technique and its coupling with new experimental methods
M.Sc. Timofey Fedotenko
Coupling of LH DACs with different experimental methods: X-Ray Transmission Miscroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonanse and others... read more
Study of the efficiency of various anvils for dsDACs
B.Sc. Alena Krupp
As the use of conventional diamond anvil cells is limited to ~ 400 GPa, there has been a recent development to extend the pressure range up to the terapascal by using secondary stage anvils and special shape designs. This extension enables ... read more
Metal hydrides at high pressures
M.Sc. Alena Aslandukova
Room-temperature superconductivity is one of the most attractive but very difficult research areas in nowadays solid-state physics due to its both theoretical and experimental complexity... read more
Rare-earth nitrides at high pressure
M.Sc. Andrey Aslandukov
The chemistry of nitrogen has long been thought to be very limited due to triple-bonded molecular nitrogen's extreme stability.... read more