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Material Physics and Technology at Extreme Conditions - Laboratory of Crystallography - Prof. Dubrovinskaia

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DGK Annual Meeting 2024

Crystallography plays a fundamental role in modern science, technology, and medicine by providing insights into the atomic and molecular structure of materials, including biological molecules such as proteins and DNA. This understanding allows researchers to elucidate the functions of crystalline matter, leading to advancements in drug design, disease treatment, and material engineering. Crystallography also enables the development of novel materials with tailored properties for various applications, ranging from electronics to renewable energy.

This year the Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) is organised by crystallographers of the University of Bayreuth:

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Natalia Dubrovinskaia/ Conference Chair
    University of Bayreuth, Laboratory of Crystallography, Material Physics and Technology at Extreme Conditions
  • Prof. Dr. Sander van Smaalen/ Local Organizing Committee Member
    University of Bayreuth, Laboratory of Crystallography
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Leonid Dubrovinsky/ Local Organizing Committee Member
    University of Bayreuth, Bavarian Research institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics

During the Meeting, which will gather about 300 scientists, the various areas of crystallography will be covered in 28 specialised sessions including a symposium focused on research of young crystallographers. Plenary lectures are indispensable highlights of the conference. Their speakers are world-leading specialists in various fields of crystallography: Prof. Dr. Randy John Read (structural biology), the University of Cambridge, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (UK), Dr. Marc de Boissieu (aperiodic crystals), the University of Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP (F), Prof. Dr. Dorthe B. Ravnsbæk, University of Aarhus, Centre for Integrated Materials Research (DK) (battery materials), and Prof. Dr. Maxim Bykov, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (D) (high pressure crystallography). An accompanying industry exhibition will provide an insight into modern technique and software for crystallographers.

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